It is with a heavy heart that I learned Guru Jagat passed away earlier this month from pulmonary embolism. Inna liLahi wa inna ilayHi raji’un. I did not know anything about her when asked to do this interview. It was earlier in the pandemic and I was saying yes to all invitations to keep feeling connected to the world. The planning was meticulous and care-FULL.
The interview was so thoughtful and also caring. I don’t think I have ever felt so LISTENED to and respected by many persons, let alone one who had so many followers in her own work. Indeed, I made an effort to follow more of her work. They gave me a scholarship to participate in a one year program where I chose my own goals and at the same time would benefit from her copious online offerings. Unfortunately all of her material was in the Venmo format not available to me in Indonesia, so I had to withdraw. Still on occasion I would tune in to her free content (which you may view here:
I loved the way she was TOTALLY Present in the here and now. A young vibrant, funny and as I keep saying deeply caring woman who started as a teacher with Yogi Bajan with whom I have a few friends who learned yoga and other meditative practices. On her own she confirmed the Divine Feminine and INCLUSIVITY. It was on these two points that I felt such a resonance.
May light shine upon her and her many students.
n.b. Some one mentioned the sound quality is off. That and a glitch with the video as well… but after these two things…it gets better. I don’t know what happened because they did a thorough PRE-check with the tech the day before and ON the day of the Lives stream the device we had worked to make it happen just would not connect so we quickly went to another of my devices with poorer quality.
It reminds me of an anecdote I learned about prophets. Apparently they were aesthetically beautiful (think Yusuf…) and had melodic voices (think Moses complaining about his speech impediment and Allah fixes it) BECAUSE more folks would get turned off from the message if the messengers were NOT stellar. So hang in there with it. There is some wisdom still to be had after the tech troubles sort themselves out. Trust me
I’ve been waiting for this to be posted and found it was posted today. A lot about the Divine Feminine in Islam and how it is activated in a 3-D reality of today. Enjoy. Comment here and on YouTube if you get a chance.